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Erifyli Center is situated in Patras, Greece and works to combat gender inequalities, gender-based violence, and gender stereotyping. Erifyli Center aims to offer the community an organised intervention framework regarding gender inequality issues by providing empowerment workshops, legal support ranging from legal consultation to legal representation, information and awareness-raising activities, such as events, workshops, festivals, campaigns, seminars, interventions, etc., aimed at the general public, students, teachers, professionals, femininities, and people in need.


Erifyli Center has an autonomous voluntary group called "Stereotypakia" that plans and implements a wide range of activities aiming at raising the awareness level of the society promoting active civic engagement. 

"Stereotypakia" also write articles on gender-based issues that are published in a popular Greek news portal (THE BEST) on a weekly basis, aiming at raising public knowledge on these issues.

The scientific team: Stavroula Kordella, Vassilis Markou, Chrysoula Loukopoulou, Maria Kasiola, Vasileia Christou, Foteini Dimakopoulou, Enni Androutselli collaborate for the. The dialogue of the scientific fields of psychology, law,  philosophy and STEM aims to alleviate inequalities in relationships and at work through a series of actions and interventions at the stereotypical perceptions of our society.

​Gender-based violence

Patriarchy thrives today. It is a system of ideas and individual considerations on which most modern societies are built. Clearly, it is known to empower – in an arbitrary way – the male gender and promote practices of coercion, oppression and compulsion. Through this view, practices have been naturalized, which continue to be reproduced in today's societies. These practices are related to the devaluation of femininities, the reinforcement of specific behaviors and genders - on the side of masculinities- which are considered to reflect and stimulate their "masculinity" i.e., the prevalence of gender roles and stereotypical behaviors, the reinforcement of rape culture and its normalization.

In the recent years, an increase of gender-based violence incidents has been noticed. There is not only the physical abuse (slapping, pushing, pulling hair, etc.) which threatens the physical integrity of the victim, but intimate partner violence takes many forms: verbal, psychological, physical, sexual and financial abuse– which leave no visible marks but are just as traumatic.

Its effects affect important areas of people's lives, personality and mental health.  We are trying to prevent and address the cycle of silence and abuse, aiming to contribute to the #metoo movement.



Empowerment workshops: conflict management, sexual education based on consent, strengthening of self-awareness and professional orientation, deconstruction of gender stereotypes, are topics that can act as a deterrent to future acts of violence, through the empowerment of the participants.

Informative events, seminars for school students, teachers, university students, educators, exhibitions, operation of an autonomous voluntary group. 

Escape Plan:

We provide a detailed practical step-by-step guide regarding the escape from an abusive relationship and we conduct the necessary legal actions in collaboration with our network of legal partners.

Holistic approach: Contact "ERIFYLI" and our network of partners and scientists can offer the best individual direction to follow, confidentially and with dedication to each specific problem. 

Center for gender justice & gender inequalities reduction

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